Kristina Cook


ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1311533699
EAN 9781311533692
Veröffentlicht August 2014
Verlag/Hersteller Kristina Cook
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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From nationally bestselling author Kristina Cook comes an award-winning historical romance set in Regency England--first time in digital!
All Lucy Abbington wants is to get through her first London season without losing sight of her true ambition—gaining some informal training in veterinary arts so that she can retire peacefully to the countryside with her beloved horses. Instead, she's caught up in a whirlwind of balls, marriage proposals, and ton intrigues. Worse, she finds herself irresistibly drawn to her sponsors' maddening neighbor, Henry Ashton, the Marquess of Mandeville. The handsome, arrogant, sometimes infuriating Mandeville stokes a passionate fire within her that won't be denied, no matter the consequence.
Deep, emotional scars secretly plague Henry, Lord Mandeville. As a result, he's avoided romantic entanglements at all costs. Only, now he needs a wife—someone from a wealthy, powerful family to further his political aspirations. Instead, he finds himself all but obsessed with the beautiful but unconventional Lucy Abbington—a woman whose passions and wit stir desires he'd rather ignore. And yet...she might just be the one woman who can heal his wounded heart.
Lucy and Henry's heads say no, but their hearts say yes. Will they find themselves undone by love?


Kristina Cook is the author of more than a dozen books for adults and teens, ranging from historical and NASCAR romance to paranormal and contemporary young adult fiction (also writing as Kristi Astor and Kristi Cook). Since the publication of her first novel in 2004, her books (with Kensington/Zebra Books, Harlequin Books, and Simon & Schuster) have hit national bestseller lists, landed on bookseller association lists, and won awards, including the National Reader's Choice Award.
When she's not writing a book or reading a book, she's probably online somewhere, talking about a book. Kristina lives in New York City with her husband and two daughters, but in the summer months escapes with them to sunny Miami, where she lounges on the beach and teaches creative writing classes at Miami-Dade College.

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