Krystal Latrice

Lost Without You

An Extended Sample. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 150 Seiten
ISBN 1637182155
EAN 9781637182154
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2021
Verlag/Hersteller Pretty Booked, LLC
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

This is a *sample*. The full book is available now, everywhere books are sold.
The strongest love is formed between two broken souls...
At only twenty-five years old, Nolan Darcy has his entire world in sync, he's married to the woman of his dreams with a bright future ahead of them.
Unfortunately, a chain of events rips it all away...
In 2005, one of the biggest cyclones hit the gulf coast causing many to lose their lives and forced families to deal with the aftermath. Now thirteen years later, Nolan Darcy has relocated to one of the smallest towns in Northern Louisiana, a town where loss isn't foreign. Grieving his loss with the help of whisky and shattered memories; Nolan hits rock bottom without the drive to ever make it out.
On the other side of town, Josie Anderson is dealing with the loss of her twin brother, Joey. A youthful night filled with fun and heavy drinking claimed his life with the impact of a terrible car crash. The tragedy shook the small town of Frierson; it was a lesson that taught numerous young drivers to be more responsible.
Now, five years later, Josie is hiding behind a daring personality with a smile that the most vicious storm couldn't wash away. She's drowning in a dark pot of her own demons. Demons that are destined to consume her soul until her path crossed with the town's widower, Nolan Darcy.
In the wake of an instant flame, a love of the decade is formed. A love so prestigious it can mend broken souls.

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