Ksn Johnson

The Rise of Rhea (The Chronicles of Titans: Rhea's Legacy, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798223814238
Veröffentlicht September 2023
Verlag/Hersteller KSN Johnson
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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In "The Chronicles of Titans: Rhea's Legacy - Book One: The Rise of Rhea," the story unfolds with the emergence of Rhea, a captivating and charismatic African American deity who assumes the prestigious position of Queen of the Titans. As Rhea balances her responsibilities as queen and mother, she navigates the treacherous landscape of Greek mythology, facing formidable challenges, and discovering the true nature of her husband, Cronus.
In this compelling tale, Rhea's journey begins with adoration and love for Cronus, but as she unearths his insatiable hunger for power and his desire to dethrone Zeus, King of Gods, her loyalties are tested. With her maternal instincts and a fierce determination to protect her children, Rhea must make daring choices, employing stoic diplomacy, and forging unlikely alliances in her quest to safeguard her family and preserve the divine order.
"The Rise of Rhea" takes readers on a captivating adventure through mythical realms, showcasing the vibrancy of Greek mythology with its rich cultural tapestry and diverse cast of characters. As Rhea's legacy unfolds, readers will be drawn into a world where love and betrayal intertwine, where the fates of gods and mortals hang in the balance, and where Rhea appears as a symbol of strength, resilience, and unwavering love amidst a shifting landscape of power and corruption.
In this inaugural installment of "The Chronicles of Titans: Rhea's Legacy," readers will experience the exhilarating rise of a queen, see the birth of a legendary titan dynasty, and glimpse the sparks that ignite the spark of freedom and justice. Will Rhea be able to navigate the treacherous path of love and power, and what consequences will her choices have for the divine realm? Prepare to be immersed in a world where myths come to life and the legacy of an African American queen transcends the pages of this captivating series.


KSN Johnson represents a collaboration between three siblings: King, Samira, and Nobel Johnson. As aspiring authors, they have embarked on a journey to create books specifically tailored for elementary school kids, drawing inspiration from their own experiences and vivid imaginations. Join them on this exciting adventure as they translate their thoughts and ideas onto paper, providing captivating stories for young readers and anyone who appreciates the joy of reading.

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