Kurt Vonnegut


A Novel. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 336 Seiten
ISBN 0440339081
EAN 9780440339083
Veröffentlicht August 2009
Verlag/Hersteller The Dial Press
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
18,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

"A madcap genealogical adventure . . . Vonnegut is a postmodern Mark Twain."-The New York Times Book Review
Galápagos takes the reader back one million years, to A.D. 1986. A simple vacation cruise suddenly becomes an evolutionary journey. Thanks to an apocalypse, a small group of survivors stranded on the Galápagos Islands are about to become the progenitors of a brave, new, and totally different human race. In this inimitable novel, America' s master satirist looks at our world and shows us all that is sadly, madly awry-and all that is worth saving.
Praise for Galápagos
"The best Vonnegut novel yet!"-John Irving
"Beautiful . . . provocative, arresting reading."-USA Today
"A satire in the classic tradition . . . a dark vision, a heartfelt warning."-The Detroit Free Press
"Interesting, engaging, sad and yet very funny . . . Vonnegut is still in top form. If he has no prescription for alleviating the pain of the human condition, at least he is a first-rate diagnostician."-Susan Isaacs, Newsday
"Dark . . . original and funny."-People
"A triumph of style, originality and warped yet consistent logic . . . a condensation, an evolution of Vonnegut's entire career, including all the issues and questions he has pursued relentlessly for four decades."-The Philadelphia Inquirer
"Wild details, wry humor, outrageous characters . . . Galápagos is a comic lament, a sadly ironic vison."-St. Louis Post-Dispatch
"A work of high comedy, sadness and imagination."-The Denver Post
"Wacky wit and irreverent imagination . . . and the full range of technical innovations have made [Vonnegut] America's preeminent experimental novelist."-The Minneapolis Star and Tribune


Kurt Vonnegut's humor, satiric voice, and incomparable imagination first captured America's attention in The Sirens of Titan in 1959 and established him as "a true artist" (The New York Times) with Cat's Cradle in 1963. He was, as Graham Greene declared, "one of the best living American writers." Mr. Vonnegut passed away in April 2007.

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