Kusum Lata

The Hidden Side of Spirituality: 9 Secrets They Don't Tell You

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230923817
Veröffentlicht Januar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller kusum lata
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
15,49 inkl. MwSt.
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Spirituality is often portrayed as a path to peace, enlightenment, and universal love. But beneath the surface lies a deeper, more complex reality—one filled with challenges, paradoxes, and truths that many teachings overlook. "The Hidden Side of Spirituality: 9 Secrets They Don't Tell You" uncovers these hidden aspects, offering a deeper understanding of what truly happens on the journey to awakening.
This book reveals the unspoken struggles and realities of spiritual growth, shedding light on topics that are rarely discussed, including:- The Dark Night of the Soul – Why deep suffering often precedes transformation.- The Hidden Dangers of Manifestation – How energy work and the law of attraction can have unintended consequences.- Karmic Loops & Spiritual Traps – How past experiences and unconscious patterns can hinder growth.- The Role of Ego in Awakening – Why the ego is not the enemy but a necessary part of self-discovery.- The Loneliness of Spiritual Evolution – Why deep awakening often leads to isolation before true connection.- The Balance Between Light and Shadow – Why embracing both is essential for true spiritual mastery.- Breaking Free from Spiritual Illusions – How to recognize and move beyond deceptive beliefs and teachings.
This book is for those who feel stuck, disillusioned, or lost in their spiritual journey. It offers a grounded, realistic perspective on what it truly means to awaken—beyond the myths, beyond the surface-level teachings, and into the depths of true transformation.
Are you ready to uncover the hidden side of spirituality?- Spiritual Awakening- Shadow Work- Dark Night of the Soul- Ego Death- Karmic Cycles- Energy Healing- Manifestation Dangers- Spiritual Bypassing- Esoteric Knowledge- Mysticism

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