L. E Coleman

Paradox. Book 1. Isabel's Bridges saga

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1949545350
EAN 9781949545357
Veröffentlicht Januar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Lucy Coleman
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Paradox (Book 1 of Isabel's Bridges) – A Gripping Sci-Fi Fantasy of Love, Destiny, and War
In a world where time bends, memories are sold, and powerful forces conspire in the shadows, Paradox unfolds the epic tale of Isabel—a brilliant doctor entangled in a cosmic battle that transcends lifetimes.
When Isabel begins experiencing vivid dreams of Alex, a mysterious yet familiar figure, she soon discovers that their connection is no coincidence. As her suppressed memories resurface, she realizes that she made an unimaginable sacrifice—selling her past to save his life. Now, hunted by the enigmatic Trackers and entangled in a war that threatens the balance of the universe, she must awaken her true power before it's too late.
From the mind of L.E Coleman, author of the Isabel's Bridges series, Paradox is a thrilling blend of science fiction, fantasy, and romance. It explores reincarnation, parallel realities, and the battle between celestial forces—where love is the key to unlocking forgotten truths.
Perfect for fans of time-travel adventures, cosmic mysteries, and epic love stories. Will Isabel recover her lost past and rewrite her fate, or will destiny keep her and Alex apart once again?
Order your copy of Paradox today and step into a world where time, love, and war collide.

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