Lale Surmen Aran, Tankut Aran

Rick Steves Istanbul

With Ephesus & Cappadocia. 8. Auflage. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1641713712
EAN 9781641713719
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2020
Verlag/Hersteller Avalon Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Walk in the footsteps of emperors and sultans, marvel at some of the greatest monuments on earth, and experience the wonders of East and West with Rick Steves! Inside Rick Steves Istanbul you'll find:Comprehensive coverage for spending a week or more exploring IstanbulTop sights and hidden gems, from the world's largest domed churches and monumental mosques to relaxing Turkish bathsHow to connect with local culture: Haggle with merchants in the lively Grand Bazaar, shop along sophisticated avenues, and watch whirling dervishes in actionBeat the crowds, skip the lines, and avoid tourist traps The best places to eat, sleep, and relax Self-guided walking tours of lively neighborhoods and incredible museumsDetailed neighborhood maps for exploring on the goStrategic advice from trusted Rick Steves Europe tour guides Lale and Tankut Aran on how to get the most out of your time and money, with rankings of their must-see favoritesUseful resources including a packing list, a Turkish phrase book, a historical overview, and recommended readingOver 400 bible-thin pages include everything worth seeing without weighing you downComplete, up-to-date information on Istanbul's neighborhoods, plus a cruise along the Bosphorus Strait Make the most of every day and every dollar with Rick Steves Istanbul.


Lale Surmen Aran and Tankut Aran, an Istanbul-based couple who have been married for 11 years, lead tours for Turkish and American groups to wherever they can (including Best of Turkey tours for Rick Steves Europe). They have a passion for unusual travel destinations, and always enjoy learning about the past, present, and future of the peoples of the world. With each trip, they say they become new souls, enriched and enlightened, taking one step forward. In addition to traveling, tour guiding, and guidebook researching, they run an Istanbul-based travel agency, SRM Travel (

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