Land Governance and Gender

The Tenure-Gender Nexus in Land Management and Land Policy. Epub. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 248 Seiten
ISBN 1789247683
EAN 9781789247688
Veröffentlicht November 2021
Verlag/Hersteller Hoopoe

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This book delivers new conceptual and empirical studies surrounding the design and evaluation of land governance, focusing on land management approaches, land policy issues, advances in pro-poor land tenure and land-based gender concerns. It explores alternative approaches for land management and land tenure through international experiences. Part 1 covers Concepts, debates and perspectives on the governance and gender aspects of land. Part 2 focuses on Tenure-gender dimensions in land management, land administration and land policy. It deals with land issues within the interface of theory and practice. Part 3 covers Applications and experiences: techniques, strategies, tools, methods, and case studies. Part 4 focuses on Land governance, gender, and tenure innovations. Case studies discussed include China, Ethiopia, Ghana, Lesotho, Germany, Mexico, Mozambique, Rwanda, South Korea, etc. Themes include Islamic tenure, reverse migration, matriarchy/matrilineal systems, structural inequality, tenure-responsive planning, land-related instabilities and COVID-19, urban-rural land concerns, women's tenure bargaining, tenure-gender nexus concerns in developing and developed countries.
This book:
· Includes theoretical or empirical studies on land governance and gender from a diverse group of countries.
· Provides the basis for a new land administration theory to be set against conventional land administration approaches.
· Offers, in an accessible manner, a range of new tools for design and evaluation of land management interventions.
The book will be valuable for students and researchers in land governance, urban and rural planning, international development,natural resource management, agriculture, community development, and gender studies. It is also useful for land practitioners, including those working within international organizations.


The Author is the Coordinator of a Ph.D. programme in land management. He is a world fellowship of the International Science Council; and has broad educational experiences that cover the social, management, environmental, and engineering sciences. His work focuses on researching, developing, and teaching transformative pathways to development through land tenure security, land-use planning, and land policy and governance improvements. He has managed international multi-stakeholder projects co-funded by the UN-Habitat, GIZ, and International Social Science Council (now International Science Council). His most impactful work is the book, Tenure Responsive Land Use Planning: A Guide for Country Level Implementation, which has been endorsed by the German Development Agency (GIZ) and the UN-Habitat for piloting in the Global South. The book emerged from a project on land-use planning and land tenure, which involved research activities in Angola, Brazil, Chile, Ivory Coast, DR Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Nigeria, The Philippines, and Zambia. He is a reviewer for more than 10 international journals and has supervised over 30 postgraduate theses on various land-related topics in urban and rural contexts. He is currently the co-Chair of the International Research and Training Cluster of the Global Land Tool Network (of UN-Habitat).

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