Language Teacher Education Beyond Borders

Multilingualism, Transculturalism, and Critical Approaches. 10 bw illus. Ebook (Epub & Mobi). Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 200 Seiten
ISBN 1350408301
EAN 9781350408302
Veröffentlicht 22. August 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Bloomsbury Academic

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This volume looks at the preparation of future critical language teachers in the face of an increasingly multilingual and transcultural contemporary world. This is seen through the lens of the collapse of Nation-State borders that crumble in the face of migration and the intense flow of languages that comes with it. It brings together international research that problematizes, theorizes, re-positions and re-conceptualizes myriad structural, systemic, ideological, political and pedagogical issues that intersect with the possibilities and impossibilities of the development of language teachers' agency.
The volume examines the needs of linguistically diverse student populations and considers the socio-cultural and socio-political barriers that interfere with the exercise of teacher agency for social justice in language classrooms. It offers a theoretical and empirical overview of how language teacher education has addressed multilingualism and transculturalism in critical approaches in many complex countries in their diversity and/or postcolonial history, including Brazil, Qazaqstan, Scotland, and Thailand.


Fernando Zolin Vesz is Assistant Professor in the Department of Linguistics at the Federal University of Mato Grosso, Brazil. He has published papers in collective volumes, such as The Politics of English Second Language Writing Assessment in Global Contexts.
Dario Luis Banegas is Lecturer in Language Education at the Moray House School of Education and Sport, University of Edinburgh, Scotland. He has co-edited volumes on initial language teacher education and gender and sexuality diversity in English language education.
Luciana C. de Oliveira is Associate Dean in the School of Education and a Professor in the Department of Teaching and Learning at Virginia Commonwealth University, USA. She has authored or edited 28 books and has over 200 publications in various outlets.

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