Lari Smythe

Perpetual Motion

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1311098577
EAN 9781311098573
Veröffentlicht August 2014
Verlag/Hersteller Lari Smythe
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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In response to the September 2011 terrorist attacks, the Department Of Homeland Security (DHS) was created as a stand-alone entity to unify national security efforts, but who does DHS really protect? The Government? Industry? Or the American people?
When Josh's wife unexpectedly dies, he is left with his mechanical tinkering, mentoring a writing friend and his three most cherished possessions, his children. It isn't long before Josh's tinkering in alternative energy sources draws the attention of DHS. Once on DHS' radar, Josh unexpectedly finds himself classified as a terrorist, but not before sharing his discovery with his oldest son, Eddie.
Eddie helps his father escape to an obscure town in Canada and the safety of Josh's writing friend, Sarah. A recluse for many years, Sarah is thrust into the role of being the lifeline between Josh and his family and the development of their new source of energy. Without her, Josh and his family seem doomed to fall into the hands of DHS' ruthless, Agent Corp.
With the tenacious and cruel agent nipping at their heals, Eddie and Sarah race against time to develop the power source and make it public in the hope that it will save Josh. Despite Eddie and Sarah's less than cordial first encounter, there is something more than a common goal between them.
Hold on for a thrilling ride as Eddie and Sarah face off against the government and seemingly insurmountable odds in this steamy romantic thriller. Are they prepared to pay the price of free energy?


Lari enjoys many forms of creative expression. Lari's work in computer graphics challenged the limits of technology and yielded the very first computer animation. During that time, Lari continued to work with conventional media, oil, acrylic, and her favorite pastels. Then, in 2000, Lari channeled her artistic talent into writing.
Lari's first two novels, Angel and the sequel Survivors, are historical in nature. The stories revolve around World War II and the struggles of a young woman coming of age during that horrific time in history. Although fiction, the stories are historically accurate in detail. As of 2022, Lari has written nine novels that span the genres of Historical Romance, Romantic Adventure and Paranormal Teen Romance.
Many authors consider writing a craft, but Lari firmly believes that writing is a form of art. While technique and style can be learned, nothing sets a writer apart more than artistic inspiration. For Lari, writing is a chance to bring an idea to life, to live in the moment, and she strives to bring the same enjoyment to her readers.

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