Larissa Kodama

Exploring the Role of International Humanitarian Organizations in Providing Mental and Health Psychosocial Support

a comprehensive examination. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 76 Seiten
ISBN 6527041543
EAN 9786527041542
Veröffentlicht Januar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Editora Dialética
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
7,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

This book offers a comprehensive analysis of the role of international organizations in providing mental health psychosocial support (MHPSS) in humanitarian settings. Giving examples of organizations such as the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the UN and Doctors Without Borders, the work examines how these actors act in the midst of crises and catastrophes, providing support to populations affected by disasters, conflicts and emergencies.
From an approach centered on the right to mental health as a human right, the book discusses international conventions, protocols and State duties, in addition to exploring the cultural, religious and political challenges that hinder the implementation of effective mental health and psychosocial support. The work also addresses the lack of investment in the area and the stigma that still surrounds the topic in different parts of the world.
Based on concrete data and case studies, the book details research methodologies and presents results that illustrate both the difficulties faced and the successes achieved. It is essential reading for health, law, and humanitarian assistance professionals, as well as scholars interested in the intersection between mental health and human rights in crisis contexts.
This work is an adaptation of the master's thesis of the international relations course at Middlesex University Dubai.


Larissa Kodama, a native of Brazil, has a deep passion for exploring diverse cultures. She has traveled to over 30 countries and has lived in England and Dubai. Larissa is a psychologist with a master's degree in international relations, specializing in legal and forensic psychology. Dedicated to advocating for human rights and providing aid to vulnerable populations worldwide, her path underscores her unwavering commitment to global welfare and the advancement of a fair and inclusive world.

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