Larry J. Dunlap

A Rock Fight At Caesars Palace (Things We Lost in the Night, #0)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1393660800
EAN 9781393660804
Veröffentlicht September 2019
Verlag/Hersteller Claremont Village Press
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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The amazing experiences of a young rock band who finds themselves chosen to open a lounge showroom at Caesars Palace. In 1966, a few months after Caesars opened its doors, rock and roll did not exist for the hotels in Las Vegas. It was unheard of for this most spectacular hotel in Las Vegas and the US to choose a band with the unlikely name of Stark Naked and the Car Thieves, new to Las Vegas themselves, who only weeks before were existing on salads trying to survive waiting for their big break in Las Vegas. A vivid description of Las Vegas in the mid-sixties and of stars like Sammy Davis, Debbie Reynolds, and many, many more.


Larry J. Dunlap is the author of NIGHT PEOPLE, Book 1, and ENCHANTED, Book 2, of Things We Lost in the Night, A Memoir of Love and Music in the 60s with Stark Naked and the Car Thieves. His short stories have appeared in: WRITINGS FROM INLANDIA (2012) and BEACH READS: HERE COMES THE SUN (2017).
In the years following his memoir, Larry spent most of the 1970s in Hollywood as a personal manager, publisher, and Sunset Boulevard recording studio owner/operator. He also reviewed live-music performances in his column NIGHTWORK for AFFAIR Magazine and wrote and drew a music-based comic strip called FRETS for "Inside" Magazine. In the 1980s Larry co-founded the first all-digital broadcasting network, followed by a number years in video and film production, and post-production. Larry's professional writing career began as a pencil-for-hire, technical and training writer for Fortune 50 companies in the 90s.
Larry's favorite project has been imagining a galactic empire with a detailed history and backstory. He designed the gameplay and delivery system and worked with his team to develop a breakthrough graphical multiplayer online strategy game, IMPERIAL WARS. Don't be surprised to see stories soon from this long-imagined universe in the near future. Currently, Larry writes from his home near the ocean in Southern California where he counts his blessings and shares his life with his wife Laurie and their Chilidog.
Find out more about Larry and his writing at Contact him at

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