Larry Murray

Chet: From Out of Nowhere

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1311463046
EAN 9781311463043
Veröffentlicht Juni 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Larry Murray
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Charles Tucker is a young farmer with big dreams and a growing dairy he hopes to leave to his son. Cal Ellis has been selling cars longer than Charles has been alive.
Charles wants more truck than he can afford, and Cal must sell a very special pickup before it costs him his job.
Cal and Charles face off in a high-stakes contest on a narrow country road. Settling their wager sets off events Charles could never have imagined, events that will change his life forever.
Publisher's note: From Out of Nowhere is the prequel novella to the enchanting Chet series of inspirational fiction books. This heart warming story shares Christian values in a family setting that is suitable for adult and young adult readers alike.
Larry Murray is a successful author who prides himself on writing values based novels that timelessly connect with people across generations. The Chet series is published by Sandy Cedars Publishing and is available as Kindle eBooks and in print editions.


Born and raised in rural Idaho, Larry's childhood on the family farm was rich in work, as well as opportunities to explore the natural world. What was missing, was exposure to the broader world, lying somewhere beyond the fence line of the farm. All that changed as he learned to read on his own. Although farm life left little time for reading, stolen hours between chores, or when he was supposed to be asleep at night, were spent devouring every book he could get his hands on. If the author could describe it, Larry could imagine it, and together they traveled around the world, across the solar system, and on to the stars beyond.
Growing up in the midst of the space race and triumphant moon landing, Larry was drawn to the technical disciplines. He amassed decades of technical writing before embarking on his own adventure, writing his first novel. You can find out more about Larry and his current projects at

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