Laura Szekely

Conflict Avoidance Masks Fear: Understanding the Connection Between Avoiding Conflict and Emotional Suppression amid Intimate Relationship Struggles

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798227726896
Veröffentlicht Januar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Laura Szekely
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
5,99 inkl. MwSt.
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"Conflict Avoidance Masks Fear: Understanding the Connection Between Avoiding Conflict and Emotional Suppression amid Intimate Relationship Struggles" unpacks the hidden dynamics of avoiding confrontation in intimate relationships and reveals how these patterns can stifle emotional growth. This insightful guide is a lifeline for anyone striving to defeat toxic relationships, identify emotional immaturity in relationships, and make healthy choices to grow healthy relationships.
With a focus on practical tools and strategies, this book empowers readers to embrace self-care in toxic relationships and set firm boundaries for their emotional well-being. By understanding the roots of toxic relationships and boundaries, you'll gain the clarity to stop self-sabotage and overcome the fears that fuel conflict avoidance.
Whether you're seeking to transform toxic behavior, navigate the complexities of cutting off toxic family, or foster healthier dynamics in your personal life, this book offers a compassionate roadmap to healing and connection.


Hello, I'm Laura Szekely, a dedicated and passionate author, preschool teacher, and advocate for personal growth and emotional well-being. With a master's degree in Human Resources and years of experience nurturing young minds, I have developed a profound understanding of how emotions, thoughts, and habits shape not only our childhood but also our adult lives.My books explore topics such as overcoming compulsive spending, addressing toxic thought patterns, and healing unresolved emotional struggles. Drawing on both my professional expertise and personal experiences, I aim to provide practical tools and strategies to help readers regain control, find balance, and embrace transformation.As a preschool teacher, I've witnessed firsthand the importance of laying strong emotional and behavioral foundations early in life. This perspective deeply influences my writing, particularly in works focused on parenting, personal development, and habit formation.Beyond writing, I enjoy creating coloring books that inspire mindfulness and relaxation, combining creativity with self-reflection. From intricate mandalas to transformative stories, my goal is to guide readers on a journey of self-discovery, clarity, and purpose.Join me as we navigate the complexities of human behavior, uncover the power of healing, and create a life filled with meaning and balance.

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