Laura and Javier

The 4 levels of Women-Led Relationships

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230630784
Veröffentlicht Januar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Laura and Javier
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,99 inkl. MwSt.
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This book is a practical and realistic guide for those who want to explore, understand, or delve into female-led relationships (FLRs). Whether you're a woman curious about figuring out how to take on a leadership role in your relationship, or you're a man interested in understanding and embracing the role of a submissive husband, here you'll find tools, insights, and strategies that will transform the way you perceive couple dynamics.
Throughout its pages, this book offers:- Definition and clarity: You will understand what an FLR is, how it differs from other couple dynamics, and what are the myths and realities surrounding it.- Practical Progression: You'll explore the four levels of FLRs, from initial hesitation to total immersion, with clear examples and concrete steps to advance through each stage.- Emotional and psychological aspects: You will discover how these relationships impact the self-esteem, gender roles and emotions of both parties, as well as strategies to manage doubts or insecurities.- Sexual and non-sexual dynamics: You will delve into the role that intimacy, desire, and fantasies play in these relationships, from light explorations to more advanced dynamics.- Practicalities: You'll get tips on how to manage these relationships in everyday life, from negotiating deals to managing social in front of family and friends.- Ethics and consensus: You will learn to set clear and consensual boundaries, making sure that the relationship is always healthy, respectful and mutually beneficial.
This book will not only help you understand the "what" and "how" of an FLR, but also the "why" behind these dynamics. It will allow you to explore a new perspective on relationships based on consent, respect, and mutual understanding, offering you tools for both partners to find satisfaction, growth, and connection in this unique adventure.
Are you ready to redefine love and power as a couple? This book will show you how.

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