Lauren Layne

I Knew You Were Trouble

A deliciously feel-good and sparkling rom-com from the author of The Prenup!. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1472248724
EAN 9781472248725
Veröffentlicht Juni 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Headline Eternal
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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From the author of the feel-good romantic comedy hit The Prenup! If you love Sophie Kinsella, Lindsey Kelk and Sophie Ranald, you'll LOVE Lauren Layne!
Readers give I Knew You Were Trouble FIVE STARS!
'Witty, sexy and fun'
'It's like Friends but in books'
'*happy sigh* This book was so good'
'LL's story-telling leaves me with all the feels'
Taylor Carr has it all - a sleek job in advertising, a stunning Manhattan apartment, and the perfect man to share it with: Bradley Calloway. Even after Bradley dumps her for a co-worker on move-in day, Taylor isn't worried. She'll get her man eventually. In the meantime, she needs a new roommate. Enter Nick Ballantine, career bartender, freelance writer - and longtime pain in Taylor's ass. Sexy in a permanent five-o'clock-shadow kind of way, Nick knows how to push Taylor's buttons, as if he could see right through to the real her.
Nick's always trying to fix people, and nobody could use a good fixing more than Taylor. Sure, she's gorgeous, with mesmerizing silver eyes, but it's her vulnerability that kills him. Now that they're shacking up together, the chemistry is out of control. Soon they're putting every part of their two-bedroom apartment to good use. Then Taylor's ex comes crawling back to her, and Nick figures she'll jump at the chance to go back to her old life - unless he fights for the best thing that ever happened to him.
'The word charm is pretty much synonymous with Lauren Layne' Hypable
'Lauren Layne's books are as effervescent and delicious as a brunch mimosa. As soon as you read one, you're going to want another - IMMEDIATELY!' Karen Hawkins, New York Times bestselling author
'The queen of witty dialogue' Rachel Van Dyken, New York Times bestselling author
'Lauren Layne is a master at sexy banter and funny dialogue' BookPage
Want more fun, fresh, flirty and very sexy rom-com? Check out all of Lauren's books! Don't miss:
The Prenup
The Central Park Pact series
Oxford series
Wedding Belles series
I Do, I Don't series
Love, Unexpectedly series


Lauren Layne

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