Laurent Sueur

The Pathological Manifestations of Contemporary Societies: a Psychological Study on Immaturity and its Social Implications.

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798223770251
Veröffentlicht Mai 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Laurent Sueur
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Societies, by their very nature, are dysfunctional because they are formed by individuals who, most of the time, have difficulty perceiving reality. If 30% of people have personalities that are organized at the psychotic level, 50% of people are immature, which determines the characteristics of our unbalanced societies. Hence, this book aims to identify this problem so that humanity may be enlightened and may establish viable social organizations by means of individual consciousness. This study gathers information about all the manifestations of immaturity and analyses the social interactions. It starts with some immature intellectuals' role in preventing social awareness from increasing. Writers and film directors are more intelligent, but what they show is not taken seriously; consequently, individuals keep on behaving in a pathological way. Without the help of any psychological treatment, immature men and women intend to get together and form societies, but they fail. Sometimes their desire for murder is so uncontrollable and their level of awareness so low that they are compelled to kill and to increase drastically social dysfunctionalities such as severe racism, Islamic terrorism and murder. When there is an economic crisis, human organizations can be so harmed that the psychopathic part of society takes the lead and turns nations into barbaric entities (World War II).

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