Laurie Larsen

The Year I Read the Bible

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798227132123
Veröffentlicht 15. April 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Random Moon Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,99 inkl. MwSt.
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From award-winning Christian fiction author Laurie Larsen comes something a little different ...
A life-long Christian, I've read the Bible several times. But this time was different. My goal wasn't to just journey from cover to cover and consider it done. You know, cross it off my list and move on. I wanted to actually learn something that would impact my life.
So for a year, I read my chronological Bible. And when something confused me or interested me or I wanted to learn more, I jotted it down. During Year 2, I went back and did just that -- I researched, asked questions, strived to reach understanding.
And I shared what I learned, hoping that someone out there would want to learn it too. I started a weekly blog called The Year I Read the Bible. I started a video channel on which I read the weekly blogs. And as this book goes to print, my next project is to start a podcast -- all to share what I learned.
40 essays. Forty opportunities to learn more about that big book on your shelf. Maybe you'll be inspired to follow me into a year you read your own Bible. If you do, I'd love to see what grabbed at your own curiosity.


Laurie Larsen is a multi-award winning author of inspirational romance and womens fiction. Fans love her books for their heartwarming storylines and life-changing message of God's love. Her stories mostly take place in her very favorite place in the world -- coastal South Carolina's beautiful Lowcountry.
Laurie lives at the beach with her husband Norm and her feisty rescue dog Weezer, where, when she's not writing, she loves walking the beach, reading, traveling and pampering her adorable first grandchild!

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