Laurie Sones

The Principle of Gift (Realign Your Thinking, Realign Your LIfe, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1458040003
EAN 9781458040008
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2010
Verlag/Hersteller Laurie Sones
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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This work brings to light a major functioning principle of life and explains how the individual can enjoy it in his day-to-day existence. It simultaneously establishes creativity as the fundamental tool for us all to use. 'The Principle of Gift' is a 2-3 hour read that simplifies universal concepts yet maintains a challenge for the reader.


Laurie Sones was born in Essex, UK in 1950. His Christian upbringing coupled with a love of music led him to become a leading church choirboy. But this spiritual side was brought into sharp question when his mother, so much the driving force in his life, died before he had yet reached 18 years old. Laurie began a quest for wider philosophical and spiritual answers. Study has concentrated on two distinct areas: philosophy and healing.
His first work, A Pocketful of Reasoning, illustrates not just depth and breadth of philosophical study but a capacity for practical suggestions the individual could follow. It represents over 40 years of ongoing experience, work and deliberation with the subject matter.
The Principle of Gift, his second work, majors on creativity and the application of its fundamental principles for use in the lives of ordinary people. It also serves as a much shortened and simplified version of its predecessor with some common usage of material.
'Healing You: The New Keys' on the subject of self-healing is the author's third publication. The fourth, 'You Can Heal Yourself : The Seven Day Healing Programme', tackles the full practical side of self-healing and lays out a programme of exercises.
The fifth work 'The Principle of Gift II: And When I Die?' reconnects to the original 'The Principle of Gift' concepts and deals directly with death and what may exist beyond it.
Two more books are already in various stages of development. The aim is to produce a series of concise works (2/3 hour reads) under the broad umbrella of 'Realign Your Thinking, Realign Your Life'.
The author welcomes contact from readers. ("There is always more for each of us to learn. The journey is never complete").
Laurie Sones is a qualified advanced hypnotherapist.

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