Lavar Pope

American Rap Scenes

An Analysis of 25 Locations. Ebook (Epub & Mobi). Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 320 Seiten
EAN 9798765118948
Veröffentlicht 1. Mai 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Bloomsbury Academic

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American Rap Scenes examines the history and legacy of rap music in 25 American cities through factors of geography, migration, movements, music, and technology.
Providing area-centered analysis of a culture many see as monolithic, Lavar Pope highlights the unique histories of rap music and Hip Hop culture - how and why these scenes developed - in 25 mid-size and major cities across the country. More so than other genres of music, rap offers historical record of a multigenerational Black music that is region- and locale- specific and opens a window into the Black experience in America. Highlighting global stars and key local artists alike, American Rap Scenes features artists contextualized within their city of origin from Andre 3000 (Atlanta), Kendrick Lamar (Compton), and Common (Chicago) to Too Short (Oakland), Freddie Gibbs (Gary), and Akon (Jersey City).
The 25 scenes covered in this book are South Bronx, Manhattan and Harlem, Queens, Brooklyn, Staten Island, Hempstead, Philadelphia, Newark and Jersey City, Boston, Los Angeles and Compton, Oakland and the San Francisco Bay Area, Seattle and Portland, Chicago and Gary, Indiana, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Detroit, Houston, New Orleans, Memphis, Atlanta, Miami, Hampton, Virginia, Washington, D.C. and Baltimore, Honolulu, San Juan, Puerto Rico and Saint Thomas, USVI.
These scenes have been chosen for the documented and longstanding histories of their local music-making communities as well as similarities in the evolution of the local environment and geography, the proximity and timeline of Black, Latinx, and Caribbean migrations, and the impact of the Civil Rights, Racial Justice, and Women's Movements.


Lavar Pope is Clinical Associate Professor of Political Science at Loyola University Chicago, USA. He is the author of Rap and Politics: A Case Study of Panther, Gangster, and Hyphy Discourses in Oakland, CA (1965-2010) (2020) and serves as the Associate Editor for the Journal of Hip-Hop Studies.

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