Linda Crill

Blind Curves

A Woman, a Motorcycle, and a Journey to Reinvent Herself. Proprietary. EPUB. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 256 Seiten
ISBN 1629148776
EAN 9781629148779
Veröffentlicht November 2014
Verlag/Hersteller Skyhorse Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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After months of following one-size-fits-all advice for a fifty-seven-year-old widow, Linda Crill is still miserable, until she makes a rebellious spur-of-the-moment decision: she trades her corporate suits for motorcycle leathers and commits herself to a 2,500-mile road trip down America's Pacific Northwest coast on a Harley. The problem-she doesn't know how to ride and has only thirty days to learn.
Four short weeks later, Linda joins two men and a woman for a white-knuckled, exhilarating road trip along the west coast from Vancouver, Canada, to the wine country of Mendocino, California. Along the way she encounters washed-out mountain roads, small town hospitality, humming redwoods, and acceptance from gentle souls who happen to have tattoos and piercings.
By heading into the unknown-the blind curve-she faces her fears, tests old beliefs, and discovers not only a broader horizon of possibilities to use in building the next phase of her life, but also the fuel to make it happen.
Funny, irreverent, and extraordinarily honest, it's the perfect read for people looking for ways to reinvent themselves, and anyone asking: "What now?”


Linda Crill: Linda Crill is a sought-after executive, consultant, and speaker who has worked with Citigroup, Cadbury-Mott's, Goldman Sachs, and Marriott International Inc., as well as many other Fortune 100 companies, universities, non-profits, and government departments and agencies. Crill lectures and writes on how to manage change and reinvent yourself, your life, and your business.
She is the mother of three grown women who whole-heartedly support her non-traditional path to rediscovering zest for life. She lives in the Washington, DC, area, and travels regularly to Philadelphia, New York, Toronto, and San Diego.

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