Lisa Maria Burke

Teacher's Ultimate Planning Guide

How to Achieve a Successful School Year and Thriving Teaching Career. EPUB. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 272 Seiten
ISBN 1632209861
EAN 9781632209863
Veröffentlicht August 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Skyhorse Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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High levels of stress are an occupational hazard of the teaching profession, resulting from inadequate training for the broad scope of teacher responsibilities that extend beyond instruction. This comprehensive guide masterfully fills this void by creating a step-by-step sequence of practical techniques-based on research on successful teaching, and grounded in real-life examples-guiding teachers toward an effective action plan for successful teaching and classroom management.
The manual's concrete suggestions give teachers the skills and tactics they need to manage, control, and enrich their professional lives, with positive impacts and successes following beyond the classroom as well.
Tackling major issues from designing effective lesson plans to maximizing limited resources, each chapter of this well-organized book begins with stated objectives and ends with a concise summary, making it easy to read, understand, and implement. It features a myriad of helpful hints that are invaluable in planning for the expected and the unexpected in the classroom, and in invigorating overall performance.
Key value-added elements are:
13 easy-to-use resources, including lesson planning worksheets, calendar organizers, a substitute teacher kit, parent-teacher conferences reference, and a listing of professional organizations
"Success Tips" sections throughout that highlight proven methods for working efficiently and effectively
"True Stories" that punctuate and reinforce the techniques outlined
Targeted questions in each chapter that encourage personalized reflection and solutions

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