Lone Theils

87 Seconds

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 124 Seiten
ISBN 8728225546
EAN 9788728225547
Veröffentlicht September 2023
Verlag/Hersteller SAGA Egmont
Übersetzer Übersetzt von Sidsel Kristensen

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You have 87 seconds to save yourself from drowning. Can you? A young woman in a strapless blue summer dress lies on the cobblestones next to the canal. With her eyes half open, it looks like she's had one too many Bacardi Breezers and is going to wake up with a killer hangover. Except she won't wake up ever again... and her lifeless body has been pulled from Christianshavn canal, right in the centre of Copenhagen. Investigator Georg Guldmann watches with dismay as the zip of the bodybag is pulled close. As the last teeth of the zip catch, he realises something that feels out of place - a fiery red burn mark spreading across the victim's right underarm. It doesn't take long for this observation to reveal two things: one, this isn't a drunken mistake, this is a murder case and two, this woman is most likely not the only victim.The hunt for the truth leads Guldmann across Copenhagen; from the city's restaurant community, through the Danish Parliament and even to the magnificent Opera House. Perfect for fans of Nordic Noir influenced crime shows such as "The Bridge", "Borderliner" and Netflix's "Marcella".-


Lone Theils is a Danish journalist and author who has worked as a correspondent in London. She debuted in 2015 with her crime series about Nora Sand, which has been published in 16 languages.

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