Lucy Knott

Dreaming of You

An absolutely heart-warming and bookish romance for 2024, perfect for fans of cosy reads. 1. Auflage. Ebook (Epub & Mobi). Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 336 Seiten
ISBN 1800243324
EAN 9781800243323
Veröffentlicht Juli 2021
Verlag/Hersteller Bloomsbury UK
3,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

*Previously published as The Little Barn of Dreams*
'A lovely, very different 5* read from Lucy Knott, full of her trademark cosiness' - Sam Tonge, author of Summer Secrets at Streamside Cottage
Can two dreamers find love in the real world?
When quirky bookworm Florence Danver loses her job, she knows it's time to make some serious changes. Nanna Margot encourages Flo to spend a week at Camp Calla Lily, where she hasn't been since she lost her parents. Her return is filled with bittersweet memories... until she meets Jo Hadlee.
Soon enough, Flo and fellow dreamer Jo are inseparable as they connect over books and build castles in the air. But when Jo leaves suddenly for his job in London, the fantasy bubble bursts and real-life comes roaring back in.
For Florence to turn her fairy-tale summer into a happily-ever-after, she'll have to dive head-first into real life and all its chaos.
Perfect for fans of:
Books about books
Summer romance
Cosy reads
Readers LOVE Lucy Knott:
'This the the perfect book for anyone that has ever preferred living in fictional worlds of books rather than the real world. Or for those of us who have vivid imaginations.' - Amazon reviewer, 5*
'Her books are a breath of fresh air to me. I know when I pick them up I'm going to get something that feels real, with characters that have depth and emotion and stories that offer a unique take and vibe.' - Amazon reviewer, 5*
'Love a Lucy Knott book!! Warm and lovely, this is a real treat for all book lovers, and dreamers.' - Amazon reviewer, 5*
'Well where do I start, once again Lucy has created vibrant characters that capture your heart and take you on a wonderful journey.' - Amazon reviewer, 5*
'An all-round adorable read to enjoy right as we need a little bit of escapism & hope!!' - Amazon reviewer, 5*


Lucy Knott loves to write as the sun rises each morning and with the smell of freshly brewed coffee in the air. Being surrounded by a few of her favourite things; stacks of notebooks, a colourful bookshelf and a Shazam poster or two, inspires her to write the uplifting, heartfelt stories she so loves. When not writing or reading, you can find Lucy spending time with her family who have influenced the books she writes with their Italian heritage (on her Mum's side), love of food and strong sibling bonds. Lucy writes stories that she hopes encourages the reader to embrace who they are and believe in their dreams as she believes that no dream is too big or too small. This lead to her recently taking up skateboarding which she is loving every minute of learning and shows that it's never too late to follow your heart.

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