Lynn Sherr


Why We Love the Water. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1610390474
EAN 9781610390477
Veröffentlicht April 2012
Verlag/Hersteller PublicAffairs
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Swim is a celebration of swimming and the effect it has on our lives. It's an inquiry into why we swim -- the lure, the hold, the timeless magic of being in the water. It's a look at how swimming has changed over the millennia, how this ancient activity is becoming more social than solitary today. It's about our relationship with the water, with our fishy forebearers, and with the costumes that we wear. You'll even find a few songs to sing when you push out those next laps.
Swimming enthusiast Lynn Sherr explores every aspect of the sport, from the biology of swimming to the fame of Esther Williams; from turquoise pools and wild water to the training of Olympians; and she reveals the secret of buoyancy so that anyone can avoid the example of the English poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, who lamented, "Why can't I swim, it seems so very easy?" When his friend, the biographer Edward John Trelawny, said, "because you think you can't," Shelley plunged into Italy's Arno River and dropped like a rock. With Swim, you can avoid that happening to you.


Broadcast journalist and writer Lynn Sherr was an award-winning correspondent for more than thirty years at ABC News. She is the author of Tall Blondes: A Book About Giraffes; Outside the Box: A Memoir; America the Beautiful: The Stirring True Story Behind Our Nation's Favorite Song; and Failure is Impossible: Susan B. Anthony in Her Words. She coedited Peter Jennings, A Reporter's Life. She lives in New York.

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