Mac Flynn

The Companion of Time: A Timeless Affair, Book One (SciFi Dragon Alien Romance)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9791220884082
Veröffentlicht Januar 2022
Verlag/Hersteller Crescent Moon Studios, Inc.
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Allie is a normal woman with a normal life, but one day she decides to take fate into her hands and have a little adventure. That choice leads her down a blue-colored rabbit hole and into a new world, and also into the arms of a handsome and mysterious stranger.
Trapped on a ship and surrounded by creatures from myth, Allie grapples with fear, confusion, and a desperate desire to return to the safety of her own world. Her arrival, however, catches the attention of a mysterious man who roams the ship. His dark features are mirthful, but there's a chill there that both frightens and interests her.
The pair find themselves drawn into the middle of a dangerous mystery as guests begin to pop up very much dead. The deaths look like suicides, but the strange man knows better. He enlists Allie to help him find the truth behind the deaths. Together they gather the clues about the case, and along the way they learn a little about not only each other, but themselves.

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