Magi Nams

This Dark Sheltering Forest (Cry of the Kiwi: A Family's New Zealand Adventure, #2)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0993776744
EAN 9780993776748
Veröffentlicht Mai 2015
Verlag/Hersteller Leaf Rain Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,49 inkl. MwSt.
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In this captivating and action-filled story, the adventurous Canadian family that hit the ground running in Once a Land of Birds heads to New Zealand's North Island for hands-on science in a rainforest and more exotic outdoor escapades.
With a gift for observing and story-telling, Magi Nams evokes the majesty and mystery of New Zealand's volcanic North Island, the drama and tedium of six weeks of scientific research and travel, and the tensions and joys felt by two parents and two kids bonding more tightly far from home.
Amid downpours and summer heat, Magi and her family ride quads over muddy pitted tracks on North Island's Central Volcanic Plateau as they trap stoats, the subject of her husband's research. Long hours in the outdoors introduce her boys to the challenges of field research, and the entire family to the lush, cluttered beauty of a New Zealand rainforest. During time off she and her family hike over an active volcano, snorkel among electric-blue fishes, spot glow-worms in mysterious caverns, walk among New Zealand's rarest birds, gaze in awe at some of the largest trees in the world, and explore a gaudy geothermal wonderland.
Throughout it all they develop a deeper understanding of each other and revel in the incredibly scenic and diverse landscapes of one of the most beautiful countries on earth.
This Dark Sheltering Forest is the second book of Magi Nams' Cry of the Kiwi: A Family's New Zealand Adventure series.
Buy This Dark Sheltering Forest today and enjoy more exciting and heartwarming family travel adventures!

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