Magic Geography

Peru (Geographical Curiosities, #7)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798223352464
Veröffentlicht April 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Nord Alps
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Peru is a country that can be found in the western part of South America. It shares its borders with the countries of Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, and the
Pacific Ocean. Peru is the third most populous country in South America, behind Brazil and Colombia, with a population of roughly 32 million people, according to the latest estimates. Lima is not only the largest city in Peru but also the nation's capital, and it is estimated that around one-third of the population resides in Lima.
The diverse indigenous peoples of Peru, the Spanish colonists, and other immigrants from Europe and Asia have all left their mark on the country's history and cultural heritage, which has resulted in Peru's rich history and heritage. The country is famous for its varied topography, which includes the towering Andes Mountains, the verdant Amazon rainforest, and the dry coastal deserts.
Peru's economy is heavily dependent on tourism because to the country's well-known ancient sites, such as Machu Picchu, and its thriving indigenous cultures. Tourism is also a big contributor to the economy of Peru. In addition to its traditional textiles and handicrafts, Peru is well-known for the rich variety of flavors found in its cuisine, which includes delicacies such as ceviche and lomo saltado.
Discover the intriguing world of Peru and learn about how the country's singular history and geography helped to develop it into the magnificent place that it is today.
We will take you on a journey into the heart of Peru, from the ancient civilizations of the Moche and Inca, through the entrance of the Spanish and the fusion of cultures, to the spectacular grandeur of the Andes Mountains, Amazon Rainforest, and Coastal Deserts.
This book is written in a way that is both interesting and detailed, offers a complete account of the Moche and Inca civilizations, detailing their growth and collapse as well as the impact they left behind. You will obtain a deeper understanding of the influence that these ancient civilizations have had on modern-day Peru by delving into the religious beliefs, social systems, art, and architecture of these civilizations from the past.
The Spanish Conquest and its impacts on Peru are also investigated in this book. Topics covered include the mixing of Spanish and native cultures as well as the continuing repercussions of this seminal turning point in world history.
You will gain an understanding of the diverse landscape of Peru, from the breathtaking Andes Mountains to the verdant Amazon Rainforest to the fascinating Coastal Deserts.
You will also gain an understanding of the relevance of these locations to the people and culture of the country.
We will present you with a deep and interesting understanding of one of the most fascinating countries on the planet, and it doesn't matter if you're a history buff, a traveler, or just plain interested about the rest of the world.
This book features:
-Peru's History From Ancient Times To Nowadays
-Peru's Rich Geography And Biodiversity
-Glossary With The Main Terms Related To Peru For Further Research
-Quiz With 20 Questions To Test Your Knowledge
-Reccomended Readings And Resources To Explore Peru

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