
Overcoming Narcissistic Parents

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230177869
Veröffentlicht Januar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller eMillennial Kingdom
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
11,49 inkl. MwSt.
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With the blessing of a silent publishing partner, located in Oklahoma, Black Entertainment Television (BET), BET Media Group, BET International (Africa, France, South Korea, and the United Kingdom), Music Television (i.e. MTV Networks), and Vegan Sweet's & Treat's this book has been made possible: Overcoming Narcissistic Parents is a compassionate self-help book designed to guide children (youth, teenagers, and adults) through the challenging process of forgiving narcissistic parents while understanding that narcissism is a spirit and that everyone on this earth has to understand as well as overcome. Written with sensitivity and understanding, this book encourages readers to recognize their feelings and thoughts of sadness, confusion, and anger while providing wisdom. Children will learn to build holy understanding and resilience, set healthy boundaries, and receive self-awareness through appropriate exercises, relatable stories, and helpful techniques. This book offers a path for readers to move beyond the pain of a narcissistic relationship and embrace a present as well as a future of unconditional love.


Nathaniel J. D. Adon, full name Nathaniel Jaree Dãn Salama Adon, known professionally as Maj3sty (born January 20, 1993, in Pinehurst, North Carolina) is an Author, Musician, Singer-songwriter, TEDx Speaker, Rabbi, and much more. Formerly known as the Author, Nathaniel J. Ali or Nathaniel Ali. Maj3sty is a dynamic and innovative artist whose work blends powerful storytelling with deep spiritual themes. With a unique approach to music, art, and creative expression, Maj3sty captivates audiences by exploring topics of love, faith, and societal transformation. Known for his bold, genre-defying style, he uses his platform to challenge conventional norms and inspire positive change. His art reflects a commitment to spiritual growth, personal authenticity, and rebellion against the superficiality of modern life. Whether through soulful lyrics, thought-provoking visuals, or compelling performances, Maj3sty is an artist dedicated to uplifting souls and igniting a movement toward a more meaningful, God-centered life.

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