Die Nacht von Sevilla. Fußballdrama in 5 Akten - Manuel Neukirchner

Manuel Neukirchner

Die Nacht von Sevilla. Fußballdrama in 5 Akten

Ein dokumentarisches Theaterstück. 1. Auflage. Dateigröße in KByte: 807.
pdf eBook , 144 Seiten
ISBN 3422801367
EAN 9783422801363
Veröffentlicht 4. Juni 2024
Verlag/Hersteller De Gruyter

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Revised new edition
The semi-final between Germany and France (8:7 on penalties) played in Seville on 8 July 1982 was one of the most memorable matches in the history of the World Cup. The clash between Toni Schumacher and Patrick Battiston, the incredible tension in extra time, and the first penalty shoot-out at a World Cup still occupy people today. The dialogues and monologues of the contemporary characters appearing in the play were taken from autobiographies, interviews, documentaries, newspaper reports, and television broadcasts as well as from author Manuel Neukirchner's conversations with the protagonists. A factual, scenic adaptation of the material means the game can be experienced from a completely new perspective.
- An epochal football match in a theatrical text: an extraordinary book on German-French football history. - Gunter Gebauer, Matías Martínez and Peter Lohmeyer shed light on the dramatic text and on the game of the century with their essays written from the perspectives of philosopher, literary scholar, and actor - Revised new edition to mark the world premiere as a staged reading at the Ruhrfestspiele in Recklinghausen. To be performed in the Ruhrfestspielhaus/Großes Haus on 14 May 2024, with additional showings before and after the 2024 European Football Championship in Germany
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Manuel Neukirchner, exhibition organizer, author and director of the Deutsches Fußballmuseum, Dortmund
Gunter Gebauer, philosopher and sports sociologist, Matías Martínez, Germanist and literature specialist, Peter Lohmeyer, actor


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