Marc Stanford

Building A Comprehensive AI Model

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230748816
Veröffentlicht Februar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller NuovoNova Ltd.
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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BUILDING A COMPREHENSIVE AI MODEL is your guide to navigating the exciting and rapidly evolving world of AI development. Whether you're a beginner curious about creating your first AI model, a professional exploring advanced language model techniques, or an enthusiast intrigued by generative AI, this book is designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to succeed.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become the defining technology of our era, reshaping industries, driving innovation, and transforming the way we interact with the world. From healthcare diagnostics to self-driving cars, AI models lie at the heart of these advancements, solving complex problems and unlocking unprecedented possibilities. Yet, for many, building and understanding AI models can seem daunting. This book is here to change that.
Marc Stanford organised the book into four sections, each delving into a specific aspect of AI model development:- Section 1: Building Your First AI Model takes you on a beginner-friendly journey into AI. Learn how to define problems, collect and prepare data, choose algorithms, and build practical models for applications in healthcare, finance, natural language processing, and computer vision.- Section 2: Building Blocks of LLM explores the creation and fine-tuning of large language models (LLMs). This section provides a deep dive into the world of LLMs, from data collection and preprocessing to architecture design and ethical considerations. It highlights the techniques and frameworks driving modern applications.- Section 3: Generative AI Essentials explores the fascinating world of AI-driven creativity. It covers generative models, their applications in the art and content creation industries, and hands-on techniques for building generative AI solutions.- Section 4: Autonomous Systems Governance focuses on the critical importance of ethics, accountability, and transparency in AI. With guidance on bias mitigation, regulatory compliance, and governance models, this section ensures that your AI endeavors align with responsible and ethical practices.
Each chapter combines practical knowledge, technical insights, and real-world examples to make AI model development accessible and impactful. Whether you're just starting or seeking to refine your expertise, this book offers a roadmap to mastering AI tools and techniques.
The future of AI holds immense promise, but its responsible development depends on us. Stephen Polyak, an American neuroanatomist and neurologist considered one of the most prominent neuroanatomists of the 20th century, once asked, "Before we work on artificial intelligence, why don't we do something about natural stupidity?"
Let this book be your companion in building intelligent systems that solve problems, enhance the world around us, and, while doing so, help us further expand our minds' boundaries. The journey to understanding and harnessing AI's potential begins now.


Marc Stanford holds an MSc in Advanced Computer Science and a PhD in AI Natural Language Processing. Throughout his professional career, Marc has specialized in artificial intelligence and complex data modeling. Already experienced in tutoring and academic lecturing, writing books emphasizing innovative technical topics became his new passion.
After a five-year break, during which he conducted his research and finalised his doctoral thesis about the change initiated in daily life through AI, Marc Standford continues his academic journey as an author with this book. He lives in Palo Alto, CA, USA.

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