Marcus King

The Real Christopher Columbus (The Hidden History Chronicles)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230973751
Veröffentlicht November 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Fiel LLC
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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A powerful and unflinching examination of history's most misconstrued explorer, "The Real Christopher Columbus" shatters the mythological veneer that has long obscured the dark truth about the man credited with "discovering" the New World. Drawing from primary sources, indigenous accounts, and contemporary scholarship, this groundbreaking work reveals how Columbus's voyages launched centuries of genocide, slavery, and colonial exploitation that forever altered the course of human history.
Moving beyond elementary school tales of brave sailing and three famous ships, readers will discover the brutal reality of Columbus's rule in the Caribbean, where he instituted systems of forced labor that decimated the indigenous Taíno people, sanctioned sexual slavery, and displayed such barbarous cruelty that even his fellow Europeans were horrified. Through meticulous research and compelling narrative, the book exposes how Columbus's actions—from ordering the mutilation of natives who failed to meet gold quotas to selling children into sexual slavery—set the template for European colonization and the catastrophic destruction of the Americas' indigenous civilizations.
This essential work challenges readers to confront uncomfortable truths about heroic narratives and national myths, forcing us to grapple with the complex legacy of a man who has been celebrated for centuries despite launching an era of unprecedented human suffering. Neither a simplistic villain story nor an apologist's defense, "The Real Christopher Columbus" presents a nuanced but unflinching portrait of a man whose actions and legacy demand a long-overdue reckoning. In an era when historical truth-telling has never been more crucial, this book provides an urgent and necessary reassessment of one of history's most consequential figures.

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