Marcus Smith

The Art of Communicating: Addressing Current Trends (Communication Mastery Series)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798215771501
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2022
Verlag/Hersteller Lazy Bones Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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Learn How The Digital Age Is Harming Our Communication Capabilities And Why It Prevents Us From Building Meaningful Relationships!
Do you spend a lot of time online connecting with others?
Do you feel isolated? Is your mental health suffering?
Do you struggle to create genuine bonds with other people?
Do you feel anxious when you need to talk to other people?
Are your personal and professional relationships suffering due to all this?
If yes, then this book, The Art of Communicating is PERFECT FOR YOU!
Technology allows us to share our thoughts with millions of people online. For most of us, we can connect with hundreds of people with a single post on our favorite social media application. Although this is great capability to have, it also comes with some alarming consequences.
Today, most of us find that we no longer have meaningful relationships with the people around or near us. Instead, we like to focus our attention to our online identity. Amassing a large following of people in which there is no real or genuine connection. This focus of creating relationships online prevents us from practicing our communication skills in real-life, and without having these communication skills we cannot gain genuine relationships with the people around us. Not being able to generate meaningful relationships can have a dire impact to your mental health. In the end, the consequence can cripple both your personal and professional life.
Well, you needn't fret because this issue can be fixed. With a little commitment, consistency, open mindset, and patience you can tackle this problem. This book will arm you with the tools needed to overcome the problem.
In this book on The Art of Communicating you will discover:
● How humans communicate with each other
● How communication has evolved through the digital age
● How to reduce your online presence
● Understand the importance of meaningful relationships
Are you eager to learn more about all this? If yes, take the first step toward this goal by grabbing a copy of The Art of Communicating today!
Scroll to the top of the page and click the "BUY NOW" button!

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