Mariann Edgar Budde

How We Learn to Be Brave

Decisive Moments in Life and Faith. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 224 Seiten
ISBN 0593539222
EAN 9780593539224
Veröffentlicht Mai 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Avery
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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How We Learn to Be Brave is an inspirational guide to the key junctures in life that, if navigated with faith and discernment, pave the way for us to become our most courageous selves, by the bishop of the famed Episcopal Diocese of Washington, D.C.
On January 21, 2025, many Americans were introduced to Bishop Mariann Budde thanks to what The New York Times called "an extraordinary act of public resistance." During her prayer service for Donald J. Trump's second inauguration, Bishop Budde addressed the president directly, imploring him "to have mercy on the people in our country who are scared now," from those who are part of the LGBTQ+ community to immigrants and refugees.
But for Bishop Budde, this moment was the culmination of a lifetime spent thinking about those pivot points when we're called on to push past our fears and act with strength. With How We Learn to Be Brave, she teaches us that being brave is not a singular occurrence; it's a journey that we can choose to undertake every day.
Here, Bishop Budde explores the full range of decisive moments, from the most visible and dramatic (the decision to go), to the internal and personal (the decision to stay), to brave choices made with an eye toward the future (the decision to start), those born of suffering (the decision to accept that which we did not choose), and those that come unexpectedly (the decision to step up to the plate). Drawing on examples ranging from Harry Potter to the Gospel According to Luke, she seamlessly weaves together personal experiences with stories from scripture, history, and pop culture to underscore both the universality of these moments and the particular call each one of us must heed when they arrive.
With Bishop Budde's wisdom, readers will learn to live and to respond according to their true beliefs and in ways that align with their best selves. How We Learn to Be Brave will provide much-needed fortitude and insight to anyone searching for answers in uncertain times.


Mariann Edgar Budde is the bishop and spiritual leader of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, D.C., and the Washington National Cathedral. Prior to her election in 2011, she was a parish priest in Minneapolis for eighteen years. She has appeared on PBS NewsHour, Meet the Press, Good Morning America, and the Today show, among others. Bishop Budde earned her master's in divinity and doctor of ministry from Virginia Theological Seminary.

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