Marie Browne

Narrow Margins

The Narrow Boat Books. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1908917504
EAN 9781908917508
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2012
Verlag/Hersteller Headline Accent
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Narrow Margins - a laugh-out-loud book which proves that lean times can sometimes be a very positive thing.
Faced with the loss of everything following the collapse of the Rover Group, Marie Browne moved her long-suffering husband Geoff, chaotic children and smelly, narcoleptic dog on to a houseboat in search of a less stressful, healthier, alternative way of life.
Strapped for cash, the family buy a decrepit 70ft barge called Happy Go lucky which had been run as a floating hotel. Outdated and in need of a complete refurbishment, Happy becomes their floating home. First they need to learn the ropes and many pitfalls beset their adventures.
As they come to terms with living on a narrow boat, readers gain a fascinating insight into life in the slow lane.
About the author:
Marie Browne is a gently harrassed mother of three who, for the past fifteen years, has been desperately trying to escape the Customer Service Industry. Apart from her husband and kids, the best things in her life are real ale; barbecues; ugly mad dogs that nobody else wants and cream-covered designer coffees. She also has an obsession with shoes but her husband is threatening to get her help for that.


Marie Browne

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