Marie Lestrange, Bert Lestrange, K. L. Rasmussen, L. W. Young, Carietta Dorsch

Nevermore Nightmares (Sinister Society Anthologies)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798894670331
Veröffentlicht Februar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Marie Lestrange
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,99 inkl. MwSt.
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"Nevermore Nightmares: ReImaginings of 'The Raven' by Edgar Allan Poe" isn't your run-of-the-mill Edgar Allan Poe tribute. It's a fever dream of "The Raven" reimagined by thirteen demented minds, each one hellbent on twisting Poe's masterpiece into a dark fiction extravaganza that would make the master himself raise an eyebrow.
We've unleashed a MURDER of horror authors (see what we did there?) to dissect Poe's bones and stitch them back together in ways that blur the lines between gothic horror, supernatural suspense, and psychological thriller. From cosmic horrors that make the Raven look like a cuddly pet, to mind-bending labyrinths of paranormal activity that'll have you questioning your own sanity – we've got enough edge-of-your-seat thrills to satisfy even the most jaded horror reader.
Think you know "The Raven"? Think again. We've got unreliable narrators that make Poe's look like choir boys, and plots so twisted they'd give M.C. Escher vertigo. Our authors have dragged Poe's creation through every dark alley of the horror genre, from haunted houses to eldritch abominations, leaving no stone unturned and no shadow unexplored.
This isn't just an anthology; it's a dare. A challenge to see if you can make it through all thirteen tales of terror without checking over your shoulder or sleeping with the lights on. We've packed more chills, thrills, and literary kills into these pages than any other horror anthology on the market.
So, brave reader, if you think you can handle it, crack open "Nevermore" and see what nightmares we've conjured. Just don't blame us when you start hearing tapping at your chamber door (we'll be here all week lol) After all, in the realm of horror fiction, reality is just a thin veil hiding unspeakable terrors. And trust me, this is one dream you won't want to wake up from.
#DarkFiction #HorrorAnthology #EdgarAllanPoe #SinisterSociety #SupernaturalSuspense #GothicHorror #PsychologicalThriller

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