Marilee Sprenger

The Developing Brain

Building Language, Reading, Physical, Social, and Cognitive Skills from Birth to Age Eight. EPUB. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 144 Seiten
ISBN 1628734582
EAN 9781628734584
Veröffentlicht September 2013
Verlag/Hersteller Skyhorse Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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How can early childhood teachers, administrators, and parents translate discoveries on early brain development into strategies that nurture cognitive growth? The key is to using the information gathered from neuroscience, cognitive psychology, and child development. The Developing Brain offers brain-compatible teaching practices for parents and teachers that are linked to principles for working with young children from the National Association for the Education of Young Children.
Bestselling author Marilee Sprenger covers the basic structure, vocabulary, and current research on the brain from an early childhood educator's point of view and provides an abundance of illustrations and descriptions. This user-friendly guide includes:
Background information on brain development from birth through age twoScenarios and snapshots of each year from age three through eightReproducible development checklistsOver one hundred brain-based activities for classroom or child care settingsAnd much more!Through an understanding of the phases of language, motor, and social development at each age level, The Developing Brain will help both educators and parents create an enriching educational experience that enhances a child's growth and fosters an enduring love of learning.


Marilee Sprenger is an adjunct professor at Aurora University, where she teaches graduate courses on brain-based teaching, learning and memory, and differentiation. As an independent consultant, her passion is brain-based teaching and best practices using brain research and differentiation. She also consults in the areas of learning styles, using music in the classroom, teaming, multiple intelligences, emotional intelligence, and memory. Sprenger is the author of several books, including Memory 101 for Educators. She lives in Aurora, IL.

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