Mark-Gerard Keenan

Fake Moon Landings and the Lies of NASA

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230995838
Veröffentlicht März 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Mark-Gerard Keenan
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
9,49 inkl. MwSt.
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The India Space Research Organisation (ISRO) claim that their Chandrayaan Mission-3 spacecraft landed on the moon in August 2023. Given that millions of people assert the NASA moon landings were faked, the author examines the evidence for the claims of ISRO and NASA, and exposes the moon landing deceptions. Despite having received $2400 billion of US tax payers money, NASA even say they 'lost' all the technology and telemetry data. The first two chapters of the book investigate the moon landings.
In the remaining chapters, we see how Hollywood and space agencies utilise technical trickery, fake science, and augmented virtual reality to fake space and zero-gravity; and to propagate the concept of space travel and the globe heliocentric doctrine. The subjects of satellites, flat earth, Vedic cosmology, freemasonry, the knowledge filter in modern science, censorship in the corporate-owned media, and the atheistic forces behind the deception are detailed. In this spiritual war between truth and illusion, the author references the ancient Vedas – the true spirit of science which is the basis of all knowledge. This book contains the following chapters:
1. ISRO claim to have landed a spaceship on the moon, but where is the evidence? pg 5
2. NASA's controversial moon landings pg 15
3. The Vedic texts state it is impossible to travel to the moon pg 27
4. The lies of NASA pg 34
5. Vedic Cosmology pg 42
6. Media – the manipulators, the manipulated, the ulteriors pg 46
7. The fabricated matrix and secret societies pg 58
8. NASA and Freemasonry pg 65
9. Closing remarks and further reading pg 72

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