Mark Miller

History of the First Queen (The Empyrical Tales, #4)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1393663648
EAN 9781393663645
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2019
Verlag/Hersteller MillerWords, LLC
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Is it true you can never go home?
As a foster child, Nyssa longed for a home. When she stepped through the door of a curious little oddity shop, she was about to learn a new meaning of the word home. She enters the fairy tale world of Empyrean only to find she's come unraveled and bounces through the history of that fantasy land. The girl discovers a world both frightening and exciting. She makes new friends and terrible enemies.
After walking through that door, Nyssa lands in the middle of an epic battle of good versus evil. The Forgotten Evil is poised to escape as Nyssa struggles with her own coming of age in a race to save Empyrean.
Lost in time with time running out, Nyssa has to choose between duty and friendship.
What would you chose?
This time travel adventure is the fourth book of the young adult fantasy series The Empyrical Tales.


After spending almost 15 years in Florida, Mark has returned home to Kansas. He has achieved some success as a Kindle Best Seller and having one of his short stories selected as a winner in the Florida Writer's Association Short Story Collection.
Growing up in Kansas, Mark graduated from Sumner Academy of Arts and Sciences and received his Bachelor's in Film from the University of Kansas.
Mark has written numerous novels, screenplays, short stories and digital series. Inspirational stories with positive messages are his goal with everything he writes.

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