Mark Rowe

Things Your Future Self Will Thank You For

Small changes, lasting results. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 396 Seiten
ISBN 1804582336
EAN 9781804582336
Veröffentlicht Januar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Gill Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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What small thing can you do today to change your health tomorrow?
Take a sauna?
Drink great coffee?
Make time for awe?
As a family doctor, Dr Mark Rowe has seen first-hand the impact of investing in your future self with simple, small changes to your daily routine that leverage the science of habits for lasting results.
In this inspiring and practical book, Mark reveals the most important things we can do today to improve our lives tomorrow, with benefits that are so impressive you'll want to get started straightaway.
Become the CEO of your own health. Your future self starts today.


Dr Mark Rowe has been a practising family physician for 30 years and is the founder of the award-winning Waterford Health Park. As the first medical doctor in Ireland to be certified in lifestyle medicine, Mark is passionate about shifting the mindset from simply a 'pill for every ill' to encouraging people to be more active participants in their own wellbeing, preventing burnout and enabling you to live better for longer.
His TEDx talk 'The Doctor of the Future: Prescribing Lifestyle as Medicine' has over 100,000 views. During the pandemic, he started a popular well-being podcast, In The Doctor's Chair. You can learn more about Mark and his work at Things Your Future Self Will Thank You For is his fourth book.

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