Mark Synnott

Into the Ice

The Northwest Passage, the Polar Sun, and a 175-Year-Old Mystery. 16-PAGE COLOR INSERT. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 336 Seiten
ISBN 0593471539
EAN 9780593471531
Veröffentlicht 15. April 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Dutton
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
17,99 inkl. MwSt.
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New York Times bestselling author Mark Synnott has climbed with Alex Honnold. He's scaled Mt. Everest. But in 2022, he realized there was a dream he'd never realized-to sail the Northwest Passage in his own boat, a feat only four hundred or so sailors had ever accomplished-and in doing so, try to solve the mystery of what happened to legendary nineteenth-century explorer Sir John Franklin and his ships, HMS Erebus and Terror.
Only a few hundred vessels have ever transited the Northwest Passage, stretching through Canada's north from Maine to Alaska-and substantially fewer have completed the treacherous journey in a fiberglass-hulled boat like Polar Sun. But Mark Synnott was determined to add his name to the list, and in doing so, also investigate a 175-year-old mystery, that of what happened to the legendary captain Sir John Franklin and his crew aboard the legendary HMS Erebus and HMS Terror.
In this pulse-pounding travelogue, Mark Synnott paints a vivid portrait of the modern-day Arctic like you've never seen before. With human-caused climate change warming the region twice as fast as any other part of our planet, Synnott offers a fresh and exciting look at the journey itself, but also of the history of the land and the people who live there today. At the same time, he searches for the tomb of Franklin, who, along with his entire 128-man crew, perished after their ships became trapped in the ice near King William Island.
In Into the Ice, Mark and his crew must race against time and horrific storms to investigate legends, and in the end, try to find the answer to why any of us would risk it all in the name of exploration.


Mark Synnott is a twenty-eight-year member of the North Face Global Athlete Team, an internationally certified mountain guide, and a trainer for the Pararescuemen of the United States Air Force. A regular contributor to National Geographic magazine, he is the author of New York Times bestseller The Impossible Climb and The Third Pole. He lives in the Mt. Washington Valley of New Hampshire.

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