Martin Edwards

The Hanging Wood

The evocative and compelling cold case mystery. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 352 Seiten
ISBN 0749040351
EAN 9780749040352
Veröffentlicht Juli 2011
Verlag/Hersteller Allison & Busby
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
7,19 inkl. MwSt.
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When Orla Payne was seven years old, her brother Callum mysteriously vanished. Shrouded in complicated family matters, namely their parents’ divorce and the suicide of their uncle, there were no clear leads about his disappearance. The case was eventually dismissed, as the police concluded their uncle killed himself out of guilt over murdering Callum, despite the fact that the boy’s body was never found.Twenty years later, Orla is still haunted by the tragedy and remains convinced of her uncle’s innocence. Through working at the residential library, a position she took in order to be near the Hanging Wood where the terrible events took place, Orla gets to know historian Daniel Kind. It is he who recommends she contact DCI Hannah Scarlett, head of the local Cold Case Review Team, to see if she’ll be able to help in finding out the truth. But Orla’s drunken, incoherent phone call leaves Hannah confused and she’s left doubting if there is anything to be done on such a long-dead case. But when Orla is found dead, she reconsiders, partly out of sense of duty and partly out of guilt, and discovers that investigating the past can throw up some very dangerous truths indeed.


Martin Edwards has published 23 novels and has won the CWA Diamond Dagger, the highest honour in British crime writing. His other awards include the CWA Dagger in the Library, voted by UK librarians, and two Edgars from the Mystery Writers of America. His lifetime achievement awards include the Golden Derringer for his short mystery fiction and he has been President of the Detection Club since 2015.

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