Mary Karr

The Liars' Club

A Memoir. 3 B&W PHOTOS THROUGHOUT. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 352 Seiten
ISBN 1101650737
EAN 9781101650738
Veröffentlicht Mai 2005
Verlag/Hersteller Penguin Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
16,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

"Wickedly funny and always movingly illuminating, thanks to kick-ass storytelling and a poet's ear."
The New York Times bestselling, hilarious tale of Mary Karr's hardscrabble Texas childhood that calls the best memoir of a generation.
The Liars' Club took the world by storm and raised the art of the memoir to an entirely new level, bringing about a dramatic revival of the form. Karr's comic childhood in an east Texas oil town brings us characters as darkly hilarious as any of J. D. Salinger's-a hard-drinking daddy, a sister who can talk down the sheriff at age twelve, and an oft-married mother whose accumulated secrets threaten to destroy them all. This unsentimental and profoundly moving account of an apocalyptic childhood is as "funny, lively, and un-put-downable" (USA Today) today as it ever was.


Mary Karr kick-started a memoir revolution with The Liars' Club, which was a New York Times bestseller for over a year, a best book of the year for The New York Times Book Review, The New Yorker, People, and Time, a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award, and the winner of prizes from PEN and the Texas Institute of Letters. Karr has won the Whiting Award, Radcliffe's Bunting Fellowship, and Pushcart Prizes for both verse and essays, and she has been a Guggenheim Fellow in poetry. Her other bestselling books include The Art of Memoir, the memoirs Lit and Cherry, and the poetry collections Sinners Welcome, Viper Rum, The Devil's Tour, and Abacus. The Peck Professor of Literature at Syracuse University, Karr lives in New York City.
Lena Dunham (foreword) is the creator of the critically acclaimed HBO series Girls and the author of the New York Times bestselling essay collection Not That Kind of Girl. A frequent contributor to The New Yorker, she lives in Brooklyn and Los Angeles.
Brian Rea (cover illustrator) is the longtime illustrator for the New York Times' "Modern Love" column and a former art director for the New York Times op-ed page. His design clients include Kate Spade, Honda, Billabong, Herman Miller, and MTV. Rea lives in Los Angeles.

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