Mary Lynn Rajskub


My Life at the Edge of Stardom. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 224 Seiten
ISBN 1647002990
EAN 9781647002992
Veröffentlicht Mai 2022
Verlag/Hersteller Abrams Press
15,99 inkl. MwSt.
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A debut collection of hilarious essays and endearing missteps on the road to becoming fame-ish-now in paperback!
It's not easy being kind of famous. Fortune. Younger men. Exclusive invites. Being mistaken for different actresses who are slightly prettier and more famous than you. It's all part of the gig, and Mary Lynn Rajskub is a pro. Hilarious and self-deprecating, FAME-ISH is Mary Lynn Rajskub's debut collection of riotously funny essays.
Smart, satirical, and relatable, this book gives new meaning to the word icon as Mary Lynn navigates the entertainment world against the backdrop of her own quirky idiosyncrasies. She describes what it's like to make out with Tom Cruise, be a waitress at Denny's, and find your life's purpose in 300 indecipherable, not-easy-steps-all in a day's work. Mary Lynn is honest about her experiences with bisexuality, her college years as a slug, and the bright lights of stardom, ultimately giving the people what they want: an endearing, hilarious look at what it's like to almost make a name for yourself in Hollywood.


Mary Lynn Rajskub is an actress, comedian, and writer, best known for playing Chloe on the Fox drama 24 and Gail the Snail from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. She has also been in Safety Not Guaranteed, Little Miss Sunshine, Legally Blonde 2, Julie and Julia, Grey's Anatomy, and many other popular movies and TV shows. Rajskub performs stand-up comedy across the country. She lives in Los Angeles.

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