Mary McGlory

The Other Fab Four

Our life in Britain's first female rock 'n' roll band. Main. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 320 Seiten
ISBN 0571397441
EAN 9780571397440
Veröffentlicht Februar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Faber & Faber
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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'In Liverpool everybody wanted to be in a band. On every street corner and in every cellar there were young fellas practising with guitars. But it was rare to see any girls on the new Merseybeat scene. It was inevitable that we would find each other . . .'
In the early '60s, four friends from Liverpool formed a band. But this is not the 'fab four' story we know.
Mary, Sylvia, Valerie and Pamela - also known as The Liverbirds - were one of the world's first all-female rock'n'roll bands. At an early gig, backstage at the Cavern Club, a young John Lennon told them that 'girls don't play guitars'. But they took that as a challenge. Despite the early scepticism, they won over tough crowds, toured stadiums, recorded two hit albums, and played with the Kinks, Rolling Stones and Chuck Berry - all in the space of just five years.
Now, the two surviving members of the band tell their incredible story in full for the first time - capturing a lost era of liberation and rock'n'roll, as they thrived in the vibrant Merseybeat music scene and formed a friendship that has endured through the decades.
'A ton of Liverpudlian grit, good sense and wry humour.' - Daily Mail
'Warm and vivid . . . Stories like this one are vital to keep.' - Telegraph
'A powerful story, one that dances to its own distinctive beat.' - The Sunday Times


The Liverbirds were one of the world's first all-female rock 'n' roll bands. Consisting of bassist and vocalist Mary McGlory, drummer Sylvia Saunders, vocalist and guitarist Valerie Gell, and guitarist and songwriter Pamela Birch - they started on the Merseybeat music scene in 1963. They achieved success in the UK and Europe, particularly in Germany where they were a top attraction at the Star-Club in Hamburg and reached No.5 in the German charts. The group were active for five years and in that time recorded two hit albums, toured stadiums and played with the Kinks, Rolling Stones and Chuck Berry. Pamela died in 2009 and Valerie in 2016. Mary lives in Hamburg and Sylvia in Lancashire.

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