Matilda Gosling


The Evidence Base. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 336 Seiten
ISBN 1800752407
EAN 9781800752405
Veröffentlicht Januar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Swift Press
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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'An amazing resource, meticulously researched and full of wise and interesting advice' Professor Suzanne Franks
'Gosling produces a rare entity: a parenting book that is accessible, well evidenced, practical, gritty and not hectoring. In short, one that is genuinely helpful. It's also funny' Hannah Barnes, New Statesman
Teenagers: The Evidence Base deftly summarises decades of research and expert knowledge to offer parents and other interested adults a roadmap to adolescence.
It weaves together insights from fields including social and experimental psychology, neuroscience, family systems and adolescent development, equipping readers with a clear understanding of what it means to be a teenager today: how they develop, the hazard points and opportunities, and how best to support them as they navigate their labyrinthine and very personal route to adulthood.
This practical, engaging guide is essential for any adult wanting to understand the turbulence, creativity and brilliance of the teenage years.
Reader Reviews for Evidence-Based Parenting
'Most relatable parenting book on the market'
'Will leave you feeling empowered and amused'
'Facts instead of myths'
'A really refreshing alternative to parenting guides'


Matilda Gosling is a social scientist and independent researcher specialising in social psychology and issues affecting children and young people, including education and child development. She has worked for governments, charities, foundations and private-sector organisations, and has overseen field research in more than 60 countries. Matilda previously co-founded and ran an international social research consultancy. 
Matilda has degrees from the University of Cambridge and the London School of Economics. She lives in Brighton with her partner and two children.

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