Matrimonio Liberal

How to Turn Your Woman into a Hotwife with Selfies? The Art of the Erotic Selfie: Exploring Sexuality as a Couple Through Photography

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798230770220
Veröffentlicht Januar 2025
Verlag/Hersteller Matrimonio Liberal
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,99 inkl. MwSt.
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What Can You Expect From This Book?- It's not a boring manual! Forget about technicalities and complicated language. Here we speak in Christian (with the occasional mischievous wink).- Selfies with Superpowers: Discover how to transform a simple selfie into a tool of mass seduction (and consensual, obviously!).- From "casual" to "Oh my!": Learn how to turn up the heat gradually, without looking like a TV commercial. The art of innuendo taken to the max!- Expert-level communication: Unlock the art of talking about sex without dying of embarrassment. Because communication is the basis of everything (and more so in these topics)!- Goodbye, jealousy! (Or at least, try to): We'll give you tools to handle those green monsters that sometimes appear uninvited.- A journey of self-discovery (for both of you): Get ready to explore new facets of your sexuality and that of your partner. Who knows, maybe you'll discover a new world together!- And much more! Practical tips, real examples (with due discretion), and a good dose of humor so that you have a great time while learning.
But, beware! This book is NOT:- A guide to controlling anyone: Here we talk about consent, respect and communication. If you're looking to manipulate your partner, this isn't the place for you.- A professional photography manual: We're not going to teach you how to use Photoshop or become Mario Testino. We focus on the practical and effective.- For Puritans: If you're easily shocked, you'd better find another gardening book.
In short: If you are looking for a fun, original and (above all) consensual way to explore sexuality as a couple through selfies, you have come to the right place! Get ready to laugh, learn, and who knows, unleash passion!

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