Matt Garczynski

This Is a Book for People Who Love the National Parks

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0762469021
EAN 9780762469024
Veröffentlicht Mai 2020
Verlag/Hersteller Running Press Adult
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Smart, short, and irresistibly illustrated, This Is a Book for People Who Love National Parks is a park-by-park celebration of the American outdoors.
For devoted park-goers and casual campers alike, this charming guide is nothing short of a celebration of America's natural wonders. An introduction to the storied history of the Parks Service is paired with engaging profiles of each of the sixty-one National Parks, from Acadia to Zion and everything in between. Quirky facts and key dates are woven throughout, while refreshingly modern illustrations capture the iconic features of each majestic setting. Deeply researched but not too serious, This Is a Book for People Who Love National Parks is an essential addition to every park lover's field library.


Matt Garczynski is an editor and freelance humorist based in New York. He has written and edited for the Onion, College Humor, and Abbeville Press, among others.
Brainstorm is a design studio founded by married artists Briana Feola and Jason Snyder. Their bright and brainy prints and projects are inspired by science, nature, and the outdoors. Brainstorm's art and designs have been featured by Urban Outfitters, L.L. Bean, Bed Bath & Beyond, Crate & Kids (formerly Land of Nod), Patagonia, Lollapalooza/C3 Presents, Uncommon Goods, NH Magazine, and The Grommet, among others.

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