Matthew Eccles

Kevan Bevan and the BMX Time-Loop (The Bumptown Series, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798223279815
Veröffentlicht Mai 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Matthew Eccles
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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Wales, 1990. Kevan Bevan has forgotten his homework, which means another rollicking. But while sheltering from a storm he is suddenly transported back in time one whole day. Now he has another chance to get his homework in, but it won't be easy; aside from multiple Kevans, shady henchmen, tornadoes, time-loops, chases, wormholes, crashes and the end of the Universe as we know it, Kevan needs to impress the girl he fancies while contending with the school bully.
Looming over Valley Hill - "Bumptown" to the locals - is the headstock of the abandoned coalmine, a constant reminder of the disaster below ground that touched the whole town 25 years before. The Bevan family's past is closely tied to this tragedy, and Kevan's future is bound up in it too – in order to complete his homework Kevan must delve into family memories and a grief that has passed down generations.
Can Kevan break the cycle of his family's silent sorrow? Will he win the heart of the girl he likes? Will he and his bezzy mate Anish thwart the school bully? And is it worth risking the Universe to avoid a grounding?


Matthew Eccles is a first-time author who has channelled his love of adventure and science-fiction stories into a novel that can be enjoyed by children and grown-ups alike.

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