Maureen Bakis

The Graphic Novel Classroom

POWerful Teaching and Learning with Images. 35 B&W illustrations. EPUB. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 176 Seiten
ISBN 1629140880
EAN 9781629140889
Veröffentlicht August 2014
Verlag/Hersteller Skyhorse Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Every teacher knows that keeping adolescents interested in learning can be challenging-The Graphic Novel Classroom overcomes that challenge. In these pages, you will learn how to create your own graphic novel in order to inspire students and make them love reading. Create your own superhero to teach reading, writing, critical thinking, and problem solving!
Secondary language arts teacher Maureen Bakis discovered this powerful pedagogy in her own search to engage her students. Amazingly successful results encouraged Bakis to provide this learning tool to other middle and high school teachers so that they might also use this foolproof method to inspire their students. Readers will learn how to incorporate graphic novels into their classrooms in order to:
Teach twenty-first-century skills such as interpretation of content and form
Improve students' writing and visual comprehension
Captivate both struggling and proficient students in reading
Promote authentic literacy learning
Develop students' ability to create in multiple formats
This all-encompassing resource includes teaching and learning models, text-specific detailed lesson units, and examples of student work. An effective, contemporary way to improve learning and inspire students to love reading, The Graphic Novel Classroom is the perfect superpower for every teacher of adolescent students!


Maureen Bakis is a high school English teacher in Massachusetts. She shares her graphic novels and education expertise at workshops and educational conferences including New York Comic Con, Harvard University, and Columbia University's Teachers College. Maureen contributes to Graphic Novel Reporter and Diamond Bookshelf and develops graphic novel instructional resources for the nonprofit organization Reading with Pictures. She blogs at her social network, Graphic Novels & High School English.
James Bucky Carter is one of the most influential people marrying the wealth of comics' potential with the classroom. He has studied comics and pop culture for years and has promoted comics' use in building literacy. He is the author of Building Literacy Connections with Graphic Novels.

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